Thursday 11 January 2024

THE LETTER B by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

Let her be confident
Let her be brave
Let her know beauty
Is more than her face
Let her be strong
Let her know her own mind
And for the most part
Let life be too kind
But when it’s not -
When the days feel tough
Let her know she’s
Bolstered fiercely by love
Let her keep dreaming
Awake or asleep
Let her know feelings
Do not make her weak
So let her be gentle
Compassionate too
But let her be bold
In her quest for the truth
Let the world listen
Whenever she speaks
Let her move mountains
And dance at their peaks
Let her catch galaxies,
Comets and stars
Let her ride moonbeams
Like rockets to Mars
No matter her stature
Let her stand tall
And most important
And vital of all
Let her be happy
And know her own worth
Know that sometimes
She must put herself first
And let her be proud,
Be determined and free
To be anything
That she chooses to be
Becky Hemsley 2022
Gorgeous artwork by the super talented Lucy Campbell
‘The Letter Be’ is from my second book

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Tuesday 9 January 2024

PERFECTION by Becky Hemsley 2022

by Becky Hemsley 2022

They make you feel broken
So there’s something they can fix
They’ll tell you that you’re fat
So they can sell you dreams of thin
They’ll steer you to bad habits
Then they’ll offer you their help
Then sell you twenty gadgets
So that you can help yourself
They’ll try to bring you down
Just so that they can lift you up
And they’ll make you feel bad
So that you’ll pay to feel good
Then they’ll indulge your spending
So that they can help you save
They’ll charge you to stop wanting
All the things they made you crave
They’ll trap you till you ask
How to escape the daily grind
And you’ll pay to move on forward
When they’ve told you you’re behind
They’ll make you feel empty
So you’ll pay to feel whole
They’ll make you doubt your inner self
Then sell you back your soul
They’ll hook you with a promise
That they cannot quite promote
‘Cause they hold contentment hostage
Then they send a ransom note
So pay no mind to them
And all the things they try to fix
And stop striving for perfection
‘Cause it simply can’t exist
Remember that most of our insecurities are bred from someone's need to make us feel less - so that they can offer us more.
Becky Hemsley 2022
Fab artwork by Illustre Mayon
‘Perfection’ is from What the Wild Replied

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A lot of people think that living as a couple is always peachy, but this is the real reality.
Living with the person you love is not what everyone thinks it is. You don’t wake up early in the morning for breakfast together in bed every morning. It's not snuggling in bed together until you sleep peacefully every night. It's not always having the house clean and food freshly made every day.
Living with the person you love is arguing over simple things, like who forgot to take out the trash, it's sleeping because the day has been hard and you're exhausted, it's arguing over financial issues, it's someone who takes your bedsheets away when you sleep and you wake up in the cold.
But despite everything, every day you expect to see that person eagerly or go home every day to meet that same person you know loves you and cares about you. You laugh together the moment you do something funny, it's intimacy with each other, it's cooking dinner together as you talk and making it easier because you both had a complicated day.
It's living an emotional crisis and having someone who sits next to you, hugs you and tells you that everything will be fine and you believe it.
It's loving that same person even when it drives you freaking crazy and pulls you out of your box.
Living with the person you love is arguing for silly things constantly, but it's also having a love that many people spend their lives looking for. It’s the times that people try to break you up, but the love is stronger. It's not perfect and it's very difficult to keep it balanced every day, but it's wonderful and the best you can experience because if it were easy it wouldn't be worth it.
That's why every day you think... ”NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, SEE YOU AT HOME.”

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Food For Thoughts

"Food For Thoughts" (author unknown)
When someone who constantly call, text and laugh suddenly becomes quit, your first instinct should not be, they have changed, they no longer have your time, they no longer care about you, they no long value or love you,, that shouldn't be your first instinct.
That moment is when your care should be seen because you have no idea, what's going on with he or her there, if you can call, call and your first words should not be one of complaining or nagging or shouting or insults, it should be that of care, try to know if they're fine and how they're doing, your voice should be calm enough to let them know you care enough.
While we pick offense and shout at them for not calling or texting you, you might have no idea if they're in the hospital, funeral, depressed, sick, or even about taking their lives because of the challenges of life, care at that moment is what's need.
That's why its said, if you don't understands your partners silence, you haven't start loving.
What that ""silence "" simply mean Care.
Your first instinct should be that of care, even if you must shout, be sure they're fine before exploding if you wishes even though its not advisable.

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THE PATH OF LIFE by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

And if you should find yourself
stressing over the fact
that you are not yet where you wish to be in life,
you may speak these words aloud:
"Where I am in this present moment
is exactly where I need to be
at this stage of my path,
for I am a continual work in progress.
Doing my best today
may look different from my best yesterday
or my best tomorrow,
but I will continue to do the best that I can in each moment
and I am proud of how far I have come
in spite of the challenges I have faced,
and the times that I let myself fall
so that I may then rise.
And though I may not yet be
where I wish to be in life,
this present version of me
is no less magnificent
than the future version of me
that I wish to become,
for without them,
my future self would not be possible
and all versions of me
are equally precious
and worthy of celebrating
for they are simply at different stages of the path.
And it matters not
how long it takes for me
to reach my desired destination
for I am destined to one day reach it
so long as I continue along the path."


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"WHO IS A WOMAN?" (author unknown)
Having just a vagina, boobs and hips doesn't make you a woman,
A woman is the one that can feed a man with encouragement and positive ideas.
A woman is not the one that can help a man spend all his money but helps a man save and invest before spending.
A woman is the one that does not run her mouth with sarcasm and insult just to prove a point, her words are gracious ,the one that her words can heal broken hearts.
A woman is the one that knows when to talk and when to shut up.
A woman is the one that her mouth doesn't leak secrets. A woman is the one that invest always in herself and future
A woman is the one that is content with what she has at the moment and not the one who sell herself just for Brazilian hair and Gucci wears.
A woman is a manager, a caretaker a womb that can nature and birth destiny.
A woman is not the one that does not do everything trending, but she is reserved and has the taste of a queen,
A woman is the one that doesn't look down on any man because of his present state of life and finance but can encourage any man to get better.
A woman is the one a man will go on a date with and not just spend his money but get wisdom from her.
A woman is the one who multiplies not just babies but can multiply ideas, inspiration every where.
A woman is the one who understands her uniqueness and fragility and never compete with a man!
A woman is the one a man can cry on her shoulders and not feel humiliated for doing so nor lose his value.
A woman is the one that shouldn't feel entitled to a man's money just because he showed interest in her.
A woman is not the one that deceives a man just to eat his money, but the one who is honest and sincere in any and every relationship.
A woman is the one that knows what she wants in a man and in life, and goes for it.
A woman is not the one that makes men feel terrible, but the one a man can run to for comfort,
A woman is the one that will spoil a man with honour and respect because there lies her strength,
A woman is the one that has a mind of her own, to make the right decisions for herself and future. A woman is an influence, a nation and a helper.
Many are females but only a few can be called WOMAN and Only a WOMAN is called BEAUTIFUL.!!!

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"DON'T TELL ANYONE" (author unknown)
In A Relationship, Whether Married or still in Courtship, there are things you should not tell another person. You never know who will be the Judas over your relationship. There are high secrets you have to keep only to yourself.
1. Don't tell anybody how weak your partner is. Someone may use it against you/them.
2. Don't tell people how much you quarrel with your partner, make them see it as perfect from the outside while you settle issues from the inside.
3. Don't tell even a best friend how much you get as pocket allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.
4. Men don't tell your friends how good your wife is in bed, that's a secret between you and your wife.
5. Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous mother-in-law.
6. Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.
7. Even if your pastor is not worthy to know how many times you quarrel with your husband, most of them will use it as a sermon. Just talk to God alone.
8. Don't tell the children that their father/mother is a bad person. It can make them hate them.
9. Don't tell anybody about your partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.
10. Don't tell anyone to try seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love. Prevention is better than cure.

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by Tahlia Hunter

"You would not open a book
to a random page
and read a few lines
and think to yourself
"These few words that I am reading
define the entire story."
Yet, this is what you do, my dear,
when you let a single experience
of failure or rejection
define you
and your story.
And so there are times in your life
where you must learn to view your life as a story
and zoom out from your current experience,
and remind yourself
"This present phase
that I find myself in
is merely a passing chapter
and I must continue living,
for the story must go on
and in every story,
every problem
will eventually find its solution
or its ending.
And though this present chapter
may be difficult,
it is the chapters of struggle and heartache
that pave the way for chapters of victory and triumph
and make the story worth reading
and there is a future version of me in the story
that is currently experiencing success
that only exists
because the current version of me
was brave enough to fail
and experience rejection and disappointment."
And though you may not control
the events of the story,
always remember
that you are the narrator,
and you may choose to write it as you wish
trusting that some stories
may only be understood retrospectively
for the same chapters
can be interpreted and told differently
when seen through the eyes of the future
rather than the eyes of the past."

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"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...