Tuesday 18 June 2024


The deepest part of the castle may be entered only by you.
The next part of the castle
may be entered by the ones who are the most close to you
and the outer parts of the castle,
by those who you may be less close with
but you wish to remain in your life.
How far into the castle
they are allowed to travel,
and how much of the castle they may glimpse
is determined entirely by you,
for you are the gatekeeper of your life.
And though you may hold love within your heart
for all of humanity,
you may choose only to allow those into your life
whose presence is for your highest good.
For though many people may be attracted to the castle,
you get to decide who enters,
and who gets to admire the castle from afar.
And it is entirely possible to love people from a distance
without permitting them entrance.”
Artwork by 이정석, @endmion1 (Instagram), #endmion1

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

LOST SOULS by Joanne Boyle

"LOST SOULS" by Joanne Boyle
I stroll through the fields of paradise.
I smell every flower I pass.
I breathe in the reselling trees
as I lay down on the grass.
I look at the sky above me.
I hear it calling my name.
So many voices from loved ones
before the good lord came.
Down here I still feel life
Although yours is no more.
I am invisible to myself
since you went through heavens door.
I feel the ground beneath me
though my shadow does not exist.
I am one of lives lost souls.
Though I'm not on a missing list.
I walk around in circles.
I long to see you again,
but when I revisit my memories
It's like revisiting pain.
This paradise is my haven.
It's where I find myself with you.
I shall walk within its magic
Just like we used to do.

Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

FROM by Tahlia Hunter

by Tahlia Hunter

"It is the story that you tell yourself
that causes you to suffer
and so when you learn to shift the story,
you will no longer experience pain.
You may change the story from 'I failed'
to 'this was a valuable and necessary part of my soul’s path,
allowing me to gain wisdom that I otherwise wouldn’t have gained.'
From 'I was rejected'
to 'I was being redirected to an opportunity or situation that was a better fit for me, and better capable of appreciating me.'
From 'I was a misfit'
to 'I was simply in an environment that wasn’t in alignment with me or my energy, and I trust that there are those out there who are.'
From 'I was abandoned'
to 'Through being abandoned, I learned to never abandon myself and to always show up for myself when others fail to show up for me.'
From 'I encountered setbacks'
to 'I experienced detours along my path that, although may have appeared disappointing to my human self, were in alignment with my soul's path and I can surrender to a higher vision for the good of all that is beyond what I can presently see.'
From 'I experienced heartbreak'
to 'I discovered how to love unconditionally, even when love isn't reciprocated, and reflect that love to myself.'
From 'I experienced loneliness'
to 'I learned to appreciate and savour my own company, such that my presence is now a gift to others, because I am capable of comforting myself and feeling whole, complete and happy on my own.'
And so when you find yourself feeling pain,
let yourself feel it completely,
and then learn to shift the story that you tell yourself,
and all will be well."

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

Whispers of the Void by English With Mia

"Whispers of the Void"
by English With Mia
In the quiet town of Crestwood, nestled between rolling hills and dense forests, lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her curiosity and love for adventure. One day, while exploring the outskirts of town, Lily stumbled upon an old, abandoned house that she had never seen before.
The house was covered in ivy, and its windows were dusty and broken. The wooden door creaked open as Lily pushed it gently. Inside, the air was musty, and the floorboards groaned under her feet. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Lily felt an odd pull to explore further.
As she walked through the dimly lit rooms, she found a small, ornate box on a table. The box was intricately carved with strange symbols. When Lily opened it, she found a beautiful, old-fashioned key inside. Without thinking much about it, she slipped the key into her pocket and continued her exploration.
In one of the rooms, Lily noticed a large mirror, its surface covered in dust. She wiped it clean with her sleeve, revealing her reflection. But as she looked closer, she realized the reflection was not her own. The mirror showed a vast, dark void, with faint whispers emanating from its depths.
"Help us," the whispers seemed to say. "We are lost."
Lily's heart pounded in her chest. She didn't know who or what was speaking, but she felt a strong urge to help. She took the key from her pocket and approached the mirror. As she held the key closer to the mirror, the whispers grew louder.
"Set us free," they urged.
Taking a deep breath, Lily inserted the key into a small, barely noticeable keyhole at the base of the mirror. She turned the key, and the mirror began to glow with a soft, blue light. The surface of the mirror rippled like water, and suddenly, Lily was pulled into the void.
She found herself in a dark, empty space. Shadows flickered around her, and the whispers were all around.
"Who are you?" Lily called out, trying to keep her voice steady.
"We are the spirits of Crestwood," a voice answered. "Trapped in this void by a powerful curse. You have the power to free us."
"How can I help?" Lily asked.
"Find the heart of the void," the voice said. "It lies deep within. Only then can the curse be broken."
Lily nodded and set off into the darkness, guided by the faint whispers. She walked for what felt like hours, but time seemed meaningless in this strange place. Finally, she saw a faint glow ahead. As she approached, she found a large, crystal heart suspended in the air, pulsing with a soft light.
"This must be it," Lily whispered to herself.
She reached out and touched the crystal heart. It was warm to the touch, and as her fingers brushed against it, a burst of light filled the void. The shadows dissolved, and the whispers turned into joyful voices.
"Thank you," the spirits said. "You have set us free."
Lily felt herself being pulled back, and the next thing she knew, she was standing in the old house again, the mirror now shattered into a thousand pieces. The key was still in her hand, but it had lost its glow.
She left the house and returned to Crestwood, where she told the townsfolk about her adventure. They listened in awe, and from that day on, the old house was no longer feared. Instead, it became a symbol of hope and bravery.
Lily continued her explorations, always remembering the day she freed the spirits of Crestwood. And whenever she passed the spot where the old house once stood, she could almost hear the faint whispers of gratitude carried on the wind.


Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

The Forgotten Forest by English with Mia

"The Forgotten Forest"
by English with Mia
Once upon a time, in a small village called Greenwood, nestled at the edge of an ancient and mysterious forest, lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her curiosity and adventurous spirit. The villagers often told tales of the Forgotten Forest, a place no one had ventured into for generations. It was said to be enchanted and full of wonders, but also dangers.
One bright and sunny morning, Lily decided to explore the forest. She had heard so many stories about it and felt an irresistible pull to discover its secrets. Armed with a small satchel of supplies, she set off on her journey, her heart pounding with excitement and a little fear.
As Lily stepped into the forest, she noticed how the air seemed different—cooler and filled with the scent of pine and earth. The trees were enormous, their branches intertwining to create a canopy that let only dappled sunlight through. She walked deeper and deeper, marvelling at the strange plants and flowers she had never seen before.
After a while, Lily came across a clearing where she found an old, worn path leading to a beautiful, shimmering lake. At the edge of the lake stood an elderly woman with kind eyes and a gentle smile. She was dressed in simple, flowing robes and had a basket full of herbs and flowers.
"Hello there," said the old woman. "What brings you to the Forgotten Forest?"
Lily hesitated for a moment before replying, "I wanted to see if the stories were true. I've always been curious about this place."
The old woman chuckled softly. "Ah, curiosity is a wonderful thing. But you must be careful. The forest holds many secrets, some beautiful and some dangerous."
Lily nodded, feeling a little more at ease. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I am Elara, the guardian of this forest. I watch over it and ensure that its magic is respected," Elara explained. "Would you like to see more?"
With a nod of enthusiasm, Lily followed Elara along the path. They walked for what seemed like hours, passing through groves of glowing flowers and listening to the songs of birds with feathers that sparkled like gems. Everywhere they went, Elara shared stories of the forest's history and the creatures that lived there.
Eventually, they reached a grand old tree with a trunk so wide it would take ten people holding hands to encircle it. "This is the Heart Tree," Elara said. "It is the source of the forest's magic."
Lily reached out and touched the tree's rough bark, feeling a warmth and energy flow through her. "It's amazing," she whispered.
"Indeed," Elara agreed. "But remember, with magic comes responsibility. The forest needs care and respect to thrive."
Lily spent the rest of the day exploring with Elara, learning about the plants and animals and understanding the delicate balance that kept the forest alive. As the sun began to set, Elara led Lily back to the edge of the forest.
"Thank you for showing me all of this," Lily said, her heart full of gratitude.
"You're welcome, child," Elara replied. "Remember what you've learned today and share it with others. The Forgotten Forest is a place of wonder, but it must be protected."
Lily returned to Greenwood, her head buzzing with stories and knowledge. She told the villagers about her adventure, and together, they decided to take better care of the forest, ensuring its magic would never be forgotten again.
From that day on, Lily visited the forest often, always finding new wonders and helping Elara protect its secrets. The Forgotten Forest, once a place of mystery, became a cherished part of their lives, its magic forever intertwined with the hearts of those who respected it.


Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

The Phantom's Lament by English With Mia

"The Phantom's Lament"
by English With Mia
In a small, quiet town named Elderville, an old mansion stood on the outskirts, shrouded in mystery and legends. The mansion, known as Blackwood House, had been abandoned for decades. The townspeople whispered stories about it being haunted by a sorrowful ghost, which they called the Phantom.
One crisp autumn afternoon, a young girl named Lily and her curious friend, Max, decided to explore the mansion. Both were twelve years old, and their adventurous spirits often led them to explore the unknown.
"Are you sure we should go in there?" Max asked, his voice trembling slightly as they stood before the iron gates of Blackwood House.
Lily, always the brave one, nodded. "We have to. We might discover something amazing!"
They pushed open the creaky gates and walked up the overgrown path leading to the mansion. The front door, surprisingly, was slightly ajar. Taking a deep breath, they stepped inside. Dust and cobwebs filled the air, and the wooden floorboards creaked under their weight.
"Look at this place!" Lily exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "It's like stepping back in time."
Max, holding a flashlight, shone it around the grand hall. Old portraits hung on the walls, their eyes seemingly following the children as they moved. A large, spiralling staircase stood in the centre, leading to the upper floors.
They began to explore the rooms, each one filled with old furniture and forgotten memories. As they entered the drawing room, they heard a soft, melancholic tune playing from somewhere above.
"Do you hear that?" Lily whispered, her heart pounding. Max nodded, his face pale.
They followed the music up the staircase and down a long corridor until they reached a closed door. Gently, they pushed it open. Inside was a grand, dusty ballroom, and at the centre of it, a piano played by itself, producing the haunting melody.
"Who’s there?" Max called out nervously.
Suddenly, the figure of a woman appeared by the piano. She was transparent, glowing faintly, and dressed in an old-fashioned gown. Her eyes were filled with sadness.
Lily and Max gasped but didn't run. The ghostly woman looked at them, her expression softening.
"Who are you?" Lily asked bravely.
The ghost sighed. "I am Emily Blackwood. I once lived here long ago. I lost my husband in a tragic accident, and my sorrow kept me here, unable to move on."
"Is there anything we can do to help you?" Max asked, his fear giving way to empathy.
Emily smiled faintly. "You are kind children. If you could find my husband’s watch and return it to me, I believe I can finally find peace."
Determined, Lily and Max searched the mansion. They looked high and low, in every dusty nook and cranny. After hours of searching, they found the watch in a small, hidden drawer in the study.
They rushed back to the ballroom and handed the watch to Emily. She held it tenderly, her eyes welling up with tears of gratitude.
"Thank you," she whispered. "You have given me the peace I longed for."
As they watched, Emily began to fade, her form becoming lighter and lighter until she was gone. The mansion seemed to sigh in relief, as if a great weight had been lifted.
Lily and Max left Blackwood House, feeling a sense of accomplishment and wonder. They never spoke of what they had done, but the mansion was never the same. It no longer felt cold and eerie, and the townspeople noticed that the sorrowful tunes had ceased.
Blackwood House became a place of curiosity rather than fear, and Lily and Max kept the memory of Emily's gratitude in their hearts, knowing they had helped a soul find peace.


Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

YOU ARE by Charis Ed

by Charis Ed

You are not your past.
You are not your mistakes.
You are not your background.
You’re not who others say.
You’re not what the world dictates.
You are not the people who are
incapable of loving you,
they may be fighting inner battles
which you do not know.
You are who you choose to be.
You are what you do.
You are the decisions you make.
You are the paths you take.
You are the virtues you keep.
You are the philosophies you create.
You are the love you give away.
You are your purpose.
You are not what happens to you
You are how you choose to respond.
You are who you build
yourself to become.
You decide who you are.
~ Words from 'All The Love You Carry' by Charis Ed
~ Art by Maria Szollosi

Brought to you by https://thecorner4women.com together with our sister website http://www.nicheebookcollections.com and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

https://tc4women.nicheebookcollections.com/NEWSLETTER-EBOOK-LIBRARY-SIGNUP.html We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here: https://www.nicheebookcollections.com/TC4W/ARTICLES.html

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...