Saturday 22 June 2024

"WITHOUT YOU" by Joanne Boyle

"WITHOUT YOU" by Joanne Boyle
I try not to think
about where I would be
without you in my life
being there for me.
You gave me my friend.
You are the best I have had.
Without you I would crumble
each time I am sad.
You taught me that silence
is a peaceful place.
Without you I'd be living
in a lonely space.
You don't pass judgement
when I do things wrong.
Without you I don't believe
I'd be this strong.
You smile when I smile
and your eyes light up.
Without you I'd have
a half empty cup.
You taught me the meaning
behind a love that's true.
Home is wherever
I am with you.

Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


by Joanne Boyle

I looked out at the gardens.
It was a stunning view.
The sun was shining brightly.
It reminded me of you.
How long I had been sat there?
I really didn't know.
My cup was full of tears.
My thirst just wouldn't go.
I watched the flowers dancing.
I turned them into us.
My mind was playing tricks.
Like it often does.
I stared at the shadows.
Comfortable in their presence.
I shared in their stillness.
Lost in their pretence.
My memories came alive
and time would stand still.
The coffee cup I held
would always refill.
But every day you came,
just in another form.
A Robin in the tree top.
Tears from a storm.
Today was a great day.
These days were the best.
When you came as a butterfly
and joined me in my rest.
You drank away my tears,
from the table top.
I knew it was a sign.
You were telling me to stop.
"Stop crying?" I asked?
"Well I can't promise you that,
for I'll miss you forever, and
from wherever I'm sat."
The sun began moving,
Your colours shone bright.
I smiled as I remembered
how you were always right.
I will never stop loving you
or being a part of a WE
So I agreed that I'd look
for another ME.

Author Joanne Boyle Heartfelt

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"WILD" by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

You’re a wildflower darling
You cannot be tamed
They recognise your beauty
Though they do not know your name
You sing a song of sunshine
Befriend butterflies and bees
You dance amongst the grasses
And you sleep beneath the trees
You’re bright but unassuming
You are delicate yet tough
You’re rooted but you’re ready
For when winds of change do come
And they meet you in the forest
And they’ll marvel at the way
You remind them of their childhood
And easy, carefree days
So they’ll make of you a bracelet
And they’ll weave you through their hair
They’ll wish upon your petals
And then blow you to the air
And as they watch you fly
They’ll wish that they could fly like that
They’ll realise that you have a freedom
They have never had
So they’ll pick you for a posy
And they’ll tie you at the stem
So they can take a little bit of freedom
Home with them
But home is where the heart is
And your heart cannot be still
So home for you is not a vase
Upon a windowsill
Remember, you’re a wildflower
Born to ride the wind
To plant your roots on new horizons
Each and every spring
So don’t ignore your wild heart
‘Cause freedom’s what you breathe
See, that is why they love you so -
And why you have to leave
‘Wild’ is part of my second collection:

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"PATCHWORK" by Becky Hemsley

by Becky Hemsley

Your life is like a quilt
And everybody weaves their share
Some weave huge great tapestries
And some weave tiny squares
Some squares bring you laughter
And some will bring you tears
Some are stitched and sewn by those
Who are no longer here
In places there are threads
From people choosing not to stay
And every time you touch these threads
It brings back all the pain
But every little thread
That weaves its joy and pain and fun
Has stitched a quilt together
Of the person you’ve become
And every little tiny part
Has slowly taught you how
To weave your contribution
Into the blanket you have now
So I know there are squares that comfort you
And some that you dislike
But without them all you wouldn’t have
This patchwork of your life
Artwork by Alexander Babiy
'Patchwork' is from the book Talking to the Wild

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:


"A FATHER AND HIS DAUGHTER" (author unknown)
A father sent his little daughter to spend the holidays with family members. When the girl returned home, he asked her.
"So tell me honestly, did you enjoy your holidays?"
She responded.
"Everyone was nice to me apart from Aunty Nancy. She seems too harsh and I have a feeling that she hates me"
He asked.
"Why? What makes you think so?"
The little girl replied.
"Firstly, she doesn't respond to my greetings no matter how many times I greet her. Secondly, there was a day I helped her find her missing watch but she didn't even say 'thank you'. And thirdly, she never interacted with me like others did, and has never spoken to me before. She's so unbelievable"
The father remarked.
"Really? So, what is her reaction when you greet her?"
The girl uttered.
"She would pretend not to notice me"
The father paused for a moment and said.
"I think you're right. Nancy is truly a bad Aunty, and I think she really hates you. So, henceforth, you would try as much as possible to avoid her"
Just then, the father let out a chuckle that surprised her. He touched her arm, and with a smile on his face, he said.
"That was the voice of your mind speaking. Your mind has cooked up all negative stories about your Aunty, making it difficult to realize that she is deaf and dumb. Aunty Nancy is unable to hear or speak, so all your assumptions about her are wrong. That's how our minds are. The mind can be a very convincing liar. It simply makes up stuffs. With little or no evidence, it creates negative stories about the world and ourselves. So you shouldn't believe everything you think. And most importantly, if you can win over your mind forever, you can achieve anything in your life".

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

Friday 21 June 2024

"THE TORTOISE & THE MONKEY" by Prose & Poetry

by Prose & Poetry

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Nigerian rainforest, there lived a clever tortoise named Tobi. Tobi was known far and wide for his wit and cunning. He could outsmart anyone, be it humans, animals, or even spirits.
One sunny morning, as Tobi basked in the warmth of the sun, he overheard the mischievous monkey, Mazi, boasting about his agility. Mazi swung from tree to tree, showing off his acrobatic skills. "I am the fastest and most agile creature in the forest," declared Mazi, his tail twitching with pride.
Tobi, never one to back down from a challenge, approached Mazi. "Dear friend," he said, "I've heard of your remarkable speed. But can you beat me in a race?"
Mazi laughed heartily. "Tortoise, you're slow and heavy. Racing you would be like racing a rock!"
Tobi smiled. "Let's make a wager," he proposed. "If I win, you'll share your ripest bananas with me. But if you win, I'll give you my prized shell."
Mazi's eyes widened. The tortoise's shell was renowned for its beauty and durability. "Agreed!" he exclaimed. "But don't expect any bananas, Tobi."
The race was set. The entire forest gathered to watch. The starting line was drawn, and the signal was given. Mazi shot forward like an arrow, his long limbs propelling him through the treetops. Tobi, on the other hand, moved deliberately, step by step.
As Mazi reached the halfway point, he glanced back and saw Tobi steadily plodding along. "This is too easy!" he thought, swinging from branch to branch.
But Tobi had a plan. He approached a stream that crossed their path. "Oh, mighty river," he called out, "please lend me your strength."
The river spirit, impressed by Tobi's humility, granted his request. Suddenly, the stream surged, carrying Tobi across in an instant. Mazi, unaware of this, continued racing ahead.
When Mazi finally reached the finish line, he expected to see Tobi far behind. But to his shock, there stood the tortoise, smiling.
"How did you beat me?" Mazi panted, catching his breath.
Tobi chuckled. "You see, my friend, speed alone won't win a race. It's wisdom that triumphs. I used the river's help, for it's not about being the fastest but about being the cleverest."
Mazi hung his head in defeat. "You're right, Tobi. I've learned my lesson."
And so, Tobi enjoyed the ripest bananas from Mazi's stash, while Mazi admired the tortoise's beautiful shell.
The moral of the story? In life's race, it's not always the swift who win; sometimes, it's the clever and resourceful who emerge victorious.
I hope you enjoyed this fable!
Digital Art by Chigbo Douglas

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

ALONE by Shiori X

by Shiori X

I'm used to being alone. I live alone, travel alone, drink my coffee alone, or eat my meal alone. I am solely responsible for taking care of myself, wherever I go. I am so independent that most people think I do not need anyone in my life or so independent that people often forget to ask me whether I am okay or not. There are lots of people who say that not all those alone are lonely. However, I've become one of those who are lonely for being alone. Even if I tell everyone that I am okay with being alone, there is still a part of me that longs for the feeling of being protected, taken care of, and loved. I still wish to be held when I'm falling apart. I still wish to be heard when I have so much to say deep in my heart. I still wish to have someone I can share my coffee with, or at least someone who will remember to ask me how my day went, even just once a month.
Sometimes, loneliness makes my hands cold. But most of the time, it keeps me up all night and makes me wonder how I would live my life happily. I used to be happy being alone until I've become so unfamiliar with those beautiful feelings that I can only get from others, not from myself. Sure, it is a wonderful feeling to love myself, but sometimes I also wonder how it feels to have someone who loves me or at least cares for me. I wonder how it feels to have someone who brings me coffee, sits beside me and eats with me, holds my hands when they are cold, and holds me between the arms when I can't sleep at night. There is no doubt that I can take care of myself, but sometimes I also wish for somebody to take care of me.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:- We now have over 1900 e-books on our library shelves for your reading pleasure, so do come along and check us out.

More articles by Su DeNyme (our resident writer) & John A Elliott are available here:

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley

"BABY STEPS" by Becky Hemsley We have to stop thinking that we’ve failed every time we fall. When babies are learning to walk, we ...