Thursday 1 February 2024


by Becky Hemsley

I once designed a teapot
It was short and it was stout
It had a handle but I didn’t
Hollow out the spout
So when I filled it up
And tried to pour a cup of tea
It didn’t pour a thing
And it was useless as could be
One time I found an empty box
Or empty I assumed
But when I opened up the lid
There wasn’t any room
For me to store the things
I had been saving for so long
There simply wasn’t space for them;
No place where they belonged
And once I found a door
I didn’t know where it would lead
I searched the room around me
But I couldn’t find the key
And so I leant against it
Sad that I could not explore
Whatever might be waiting
In the space behind the door
And as I think about the box,
The door, the pot of tea,
I realise how important
Sometimes nothingness can be
How there’s magic in the space
Between asleep and wide awake
There’s peace within the silence
Of the pauses that we take
There’s joy in quiet thoughts
About the past; of what has been
There’s beauty in the standing still
To see what can be seen
There’s something quite exciting
‘Bout the space between the stars
And in those waiting moments
When a film’s about to start
There’s wonder in a balloon
That fills and rises with the air
There’s such a lot that we can feel
When not a lot is there
So hold the space you need my friend
And don’t apologise
Your space is where your wonder lives
And where your magic lies
It’s where you learn to breathe again
Where dreams can dare to soar
And you never know what’s waiting
In that space beyond the door
Becky Hemsley 2023
Beautiful artwork by Elisabeths gylne pensel

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HOW ARE YOU? by Becky Hemsley 2021

 “HOW ARE YOU?" by Becky Hemsley 2021

What time will you get in tonight?
Text me when you’re home
Be careful if you’re driving
Or if you’re out alone
Shout me if you need me
Or call me anytime
Hey, remember when we did that thing
And laughed until we cried?
Take a coat, it’s raining
Or shelter here with me
Let’s watch your favourite movie
I’ve made your favourite tea
I saw this and I thought of you
It really made me smile
Just checking in, I hope you’re well
I know it’s been a while
Have some fun at school today
But wear your hat - it’s cold
And look the road’s got busy now
So here’s my hand to hold”
We always hear and say these things
But rarely do we see
They’re just lots of little ways
Of saying what we really mean
See, if you listen carefully,
You’ll hear them everywhere -
All the messages of “I love you”
“You’re important” and “I care”
Becky Hemsley 2021
Image by
'How are you?' is from my second collection - What the Wild Replied

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by Tahlia Hunter

trigger warning: a poem about grief

We grieve those we love who have passed,
feeling that they are lost,
but in the same way that a person travelling far away from us is not lost,
and a person graduating to the next phase of life is not gone,
they are never truly lost,
but rather they are closer to us than before,
as from their higher conscious perspective,
they may see what they were previously unable to see,
hear what they were previously unable to hear,
and understand what they were previously unable to understand.

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CRUMBS by Becky Hemsley 2023

by Becky Hemsley 2023

Promise me something…
Promise me that you’ll never let anyone deprive you of the very basics of humanity.
Never let them leave you so hungry that you will accept just
scraps of love
crumbs of respect
and tiny morsels of kindness
People who are starving will eat anything. But that doesn’t mean they should have to.
You are deserving of so much more.
A banquet of love
a whole feast of respect
and a full spread of kindness
So promise me you won’t go hungry. And if anyone tries to deprive you, remember this:
We should all have enough self-love, self-respect and self-kindness to share. So if anyone tries to starve you…
It’s because they are hungry themselves.
Becky Hemsley 2023
Image by
'Crumbs' is from 'Letters from Life':

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Tuesday 30 January 2024

Inside Every Breath I Take

“Inside Every Breath I Take” (author unknown)
I’m just a child with closed eyes
Never seeing the world as its eternity dies
Innocence is just an illusion that plays
Until the realness of life of its darkness that stays
Inside every breath this man now takes
And sowing the seeds of my many mistakes
But, there are so many times I get mad at my fate
Constantly testing me with doubts about myself, love, and hate
As a boy, I crossed the line into a know-it-all teen
My naivetes taught me well what life and death mean
That death’s timing was off when 5 plates became 4
The eyes never see the scars but the pains are always more
My first drink was an illusion in another world to feel
There is always a price to pay when reality turns real
But there’s a temporary peace in the day for my hate and pain
I feel alive in my memories but with nothing to gain
To depress my depression I walk along the broken road
Finding new ways for my soul, to take away my heavy load
From this older man of broken years inside my every breath
Wiser not but still able, another day away from death
My ignorance is dying right inside of me
One step too many, my broken soul to never be
I hurt then I cry, then I overindulge in Hope’s smile
The broken road that I walk on, I’ll never see the last mile.
There are too many walls closing in, that are suffocating my head
Every night I search for an opening but it’s insanity that I’m fed
So I kill a black rose just to smell the freedom it exudes
A moment on the hand of a clock then back to my sullen mood
That I’m familiar with, so there’s no need to smile at a penny’s lost face
I’m a child in a reflection of mistakes, lost to myself and the whole human race
My eyes are now open to see my world lost to every decision that I’ve made
Living with my burdens of a hefty price but my death I have not yet paid.

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(author unknown)

I met an old class mate, we had not seen each other for about 30 years.
When I saw him again, this time at a hotel lobby, he was looking simple. He wore simple clothes. I felt touched.
He walked up to me and was glad to see me again. But deep within me I was not impressed with his status compared to mine and poor me, I couldn't hide it.
We exchanged contact details and I could see the joy in him as he collected mine.
I told him I would drop him home in my brand new Range Rover and I pointed it to him. He declined and said he had already called for his car. It looked old, a 2001 Honda Accord.
I invited him the next day for lunch at my house. A part of me wanted to impress him, to show off my success and affluence to him; while another was to discuss opportunities and possibly help him.
He drove to Parkview where I lived. He looked impressed with my home. I had taken a heavy mortgage. In fact, I was heavily in debt. We had lunch. He told me he was into small business and particularly real Estate. I brought up more business discussions, but he didn't sound too interested. I asked him how I could help him. He said he was fine. I even told him if he was interested, I could help him secure some loans. He looked at me and smiled.
He told me he would invite me over soon to his place. His old car came for him. I was grateful to God for what I had. “Fingers are not all equal" I thought to myself. I was lucky. I worked in a good place.
Two weeks later, my wife and I went to see him in a remote area. Initially, my wife was reluctant to go because she was not impressed with the man's status as to warrant our visiting him in his house.
I was able to convince her that we were close friends in College.
We saw the Estate. We asked for directions to his home. Those leading us spoke his name with deference.
It was a simple but lovely home. A 4-bedroom bungalow. I saw 4 cars parked in front. We entered his home. It was simply elegant with a touch of class inside. He welcomed us warmly.
Lunch was well served.
His wife called him Papa Onos.
During lunch, he asked about my MD. He said they were friends. I saw a company gift on one of his tables nearby. That company owned about 38% shares where I worked. I enquired from him about it. He smiled. He told me he owned the company. He also owned the Estate.
I did not know when I called him sir. I was in awe of him too.
I had learnt a lesson in humility, A big one. Appearances are deceptive. He noticed my discomfort.
Driving back home, I was very quiet. My wife was humbled and extremely calm. I could perceive the thoughts in her mind. I looked at myself. Living on loans, heavy loans and showing off while someone who pays my salary is quite modest and living a simple life.
Indeed Deeper Rivers Flow In Majestic Silence.
Adjust your perception towards others this year.
Read, learn and take a good step of change.
Stop rating people based on their physical appearance or level of education.
Concentrate more on how to better your life, than on how to impress people.
Have a lovely day ahead.

Brought to you by together with our sister website and our growing e-book library available FREE, through our Newsletter sign up page here:-

IF ONLY by Joanne Boyle

"IF ONLY" by Joanne Boyle
If only I knew you wouldn't always be here,
to hold, to be held, to always be near.
To listen, to call, to know you are there,
when I had something I wanted to share.
If only I knew that one day you would go,
and there'd be more I'd want you to know.
A past, and a future. A lost and a found,
if I had only known you wouldn't be around.
If only I knew of the grief I would feel,
of the begging and hoping it wasn't real.
Of the years and times I took for granted,
of the growing seeds that you planted.
If only I knew of a moments value,
that it cost nothing just to be with you,
that the buried treasure was in my chest,
living proof that you were the best.
I wear a crown of memories on my head.
A love, a life that I now live instead.
I will represent each piece of you.
I'll live and love my whole day's through.
If only! If Only! If only I'd known.
I'd have clung so tight to stop you going,
but I am lucky to live without regret,
and proud of the memories I won't forget.

Joanne Boyle

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CHAPTERS by Becky Memsley

by Becky Memsley

We all of us have chapters
That we wish we’d never written
Pages that we’ve torn or burned
Or locked away and hidden
We all have masks and costumes
That we wish we’d never worn
And lines that we have spoken
That we wish could be withdrawn
We all of us have characters
We’d strike clean from the page
And maybe big decisions
That we’re desperate to change
And we are very tempted
To pretend they don’t exist
To tell a perfect story
Where these things are all dismissed
But do not hide those chapters
They’re your story’s little scars
And they’re crucial to your tale
Though you might not think they are
‘Cause without them all, your story
Isn’t quite the one you wrote
And we have to make mistakes
If we’re to learn what matters most
Yes, without them all your story
Will be hard to comprehend
Remember - some things only make sense
When we’re getting to the end
Becky Hemsley 2023
Artwork created on Canva
'Chapters' is the final poem in my most recent collection which can be found here
(or via an Amazon search for 'Becky Hemsley')

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"ERICA AND HER SHOW N TELL" (author unknown) I’ve been teaching for around fifteen years now. I have two kids of my own, but the b...